Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pa. wants to lead in managing diabetes, other chronic illnesses

The latest salvo among states pushing for universal healthcare coverage came from Pennsylvania yesterday. Tuesday's Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Governor Ed Rendell (who was Philly's mayor when I lived there) wants to make the Keystone State a leader in chronic disease management, with particular focus on diabetes in his "Prescription for Pennsylvania" by implementing a model for managing chronic illness across the state.

"The beauty of the cost-savings initiatives is that they will save money and at the same time improve the quality and the caliber of the health care every Pennsylvanian gets," he said.

Ann S. Torregrossa, senior policy director in the Governor's Office of Health Care Reform added "What we are hoping is that by significantly changing the payment structure, we will encourage a really different way of providing chronic care."

While the plan is in its early stages, this does suggest that some large providers (notably the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) could change the current paradigm by shifting focus away from the current acute illness perspective that dominates the American healthcare system more towards a system better equipped to manage chronic illnesses. Let's hope Governor Rendell is successful!

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