Thursday, October 04, 2007

Branded Identity

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I've finally decided to bite the bullet and brand my online identity (sort of). My blog URL will be moving in the not-too-distant future, but since I'm not changing carriers, hosts or anything, the process should be almost seemless. Still, you might want to add the following address to your blog readers so its already there when I officially move:

so its already in there when I make the switch, which will probably happen over the next two months.

I haven't moved anything yet (I'm still shopping around for some template design changes), but I wanted to give everyone a heads up that its coming. If you visit, you'll pretty much get a page announcing the eventual move. Note that the "blog" prefix will designate my blog address, which is actually hosted in a different location. But you can just add my new blog address "" to your reader now ... go ahead ... it won't hurt, I promise!


  1. Sounds cool, Scott! I'm looking forward to seeing your new home on the web :)

  2. "go ahead ... it won't hurt, I promise!"
    Are you sure? lol
    It reminds me what all the nurses and doctors would say to me before they either gave me an injection or took my blood as a child with Diabetes.

  3. Scott, it doesn't work to add your new address to bloglines - it says it doesn't exist (yet)! So tell us again when the change will take place. Maybe I am doing something wrong......

  4. Scott, I just found your site for the first time this afternoon. As someone recently diagnosed as Type 1, this is exactly what I need! I found you through DiabetesMine, by the way. The information and links you make available are really amazing.

  5. Hey all, I guess each reader is slightly different, but once I make the switch, I'll post another notice. Sorry for any confusion!


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