Friday, November 09, 2007

D-Blog Day

As you probably know, my friend Gina at The Diabetes Talkfest Blog started blogging about life with Diabetes and realized there were many of us out there. Although I don't have the latest count, I believe we number somewhere between 300 and 1,000. She called it D-blog Day, and I wanted to acknowledge the occasion with this posting. Happy D-blog Day!


  1. Happy D-Blog day, Scott!! :)

  2. Wow, that's a BIG icon :)

    Happy Dblog Day to you, too.

    - AmyT

  3. Happy D-blog day, Scott! I am happy you are out there. I have been thinking over and over how you were maybe considering changing doctors and wondering if you had come somewhere.... On one of my blog comments you spoke of rapidly changing insulin to carb ratios, being given the run around between doctors, nutritionists and CDEs, dissatisfaction in acquiesing to the "diabetes factory", questions concerning delayed metabolism, being told that your HbA1c is too low and but no real help given in reaching a hypo free existence ....In other words, feeling the situation has to change. Boy do I understand all of this! Me, I wonder, CAN anybody can help us?! So I have kind of given up looking. I have ordered the book about insulin, but it hasn't arrived yet. Neither has the kids book. All I can say Scott is I definitely hear what you are saying and I understand and feel the same. Unfortunately I don't see any better alternative, at least for my part. Often I feel frazzeled, but is it the fault of doctors? You say yourself that your endo is fine, he asks all the right questions. So I don't think any doctor can help us. We lack knowledge. I have been thinking and thinking and thinking and I had to say it. If you have found something better, it would make me very happy. I have the naive dream that in America it might be possible.

  4. Scott - Happy d-blog day!

    I really appreciate all that you bring to the blogosphere. Thank you!

    I hope to get the chance to meet you in real life in the not too distant future.

    Take care!

  5. Happy D-blog day, Scott! Thanks for is an encouragement!


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