Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Quite vLogging Yet

So today, I'm not in much mood to blog about diabetes ... its the last thing on my mind right now. I'm not quite ready to vlog (I have the camera and everything, just not ready for video performance). Instead I'll share a totally irreverent and possibly irrelevant video clip, dedicated to the Diabetes OC and Diabetes TalkFest and TuDiabetes communities, and of course, George's vlogging efforts, so without further delay, here it is:

This, of course, brings to mind the South Park episode which made fun of the original:

Hey, no one can say I'm not original, can they?


  1. LOL Those were great Scott!

    I think I need some Babies Breath in my fro. That will do the trick and take my vlog to the next level.

    Thanks for the dedication. :)

  2. George, I'll be watching for the Babies Breath in your next vlog episode!! It will definitely take it to another level (just not sure in which direction)!

  3. Oh, c'mon now you's a lovely song, and here's wishing that we all stick around and grow old together!

  4. I'll have to check these out when I get home - my work IT dudes block all the fun stuff.

    If its got G-Money considering floral garnishes in his fro it must be well worth watching. :-)

  5. Scott, I'm a medical reporter who is writing a book about the scientific effort to prevent, cure or significantly improve the treatment of diabetes. I'm been intrigued by some of your provocative, well-informed and highly critical remarks about the ADA and the drug companies. I'm interested in speaking with you, but can't find an email address to reach you, so I'm posting here and hoping you'll contact me either by email,, or cell phone, 201-259-0094.thanks, Dan Hurley

  6. i love you too scott lol


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