Sunday, October 26, 2008

Diabetes 2.1

As Gina has already posted (see also here), Val and more to come no doubt, Saturday was the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation's New York City Conference (Diabetes 2.0). I don't have time this evening to re-cap all of what was covered at the Conference, but I can tell you that the presentations (as always) were very interesting. Another take-away is that the presentations were recorded on video, and the DRI expects to have some (if not all) of them available online for those who were unable to attend in the not-too-distant future. After the Conference, a number of the bloggers (though certainly not all) responsible for some of the content presented gathered for a photo-op, and some of us then went to dinner. I got to meet a few of the bloggers who I hadn't met in-person before, as well as reunited with some I have met previously. More details on the Conference itself are forthcoming, but I wanted to share the photos here, and also note that I was pleasantly surprised to hear a number of the elements I noted in my previous posting were also acknowledged in some form by researchers in their presentations! Anyway, here are the photos:


  1. What an awesome group - I SO wished I could have been there!

  2. we need a type 1 conference! ASAP W.T.F!

  3. Great conference, great people, great pics, and a great time!
    Oh yeah, GREAT SEEING YOU!

  4. ugh, nothing good happens in California.

  5. What gina and k2 said. Who knew having diabetes could be that fun?

  6. Pete and I really enjoyed the conference. And we especially enjoyed meeting everyone. :) Who knew I'd hook up with a fellow-Falcon. W.T.F!!

  7. Scott, I really wanted to be there. I had other commitments that day. Would have loved to meet you, Allison, Amy and Bernard in person.


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