Sunday, November 09, 2008

D-Blog Day

What more can I add here? This is an honorary D-Blog Day Post!

Seriously, when I began blogging in 2005, I had a handful of fellow diabetes bloggers, among them, Gina and Kerri, Scott, Amy and a few others (I can't list everyone here), but I've had the opportunity to meet many of you face-to-face, and expect to meet more of you in the future. Let's just say that this community has grown up around us, and today there are several hundred of us in this large and growing community, Although our domain names may have changed, the community has grown in so many different ways that we can expect to see more of us in the coming years!

Congrats to all of us! Let's hope there will be a few hundred more d-bloggers in the coming years!


  1. Seriously,

  2. Hear, Hear!

    Scott, you are my go-to guy when it comes to staying current on the diabetes "industry" and research. Your perspective is honest; your posts, always thorough.

    So very glad you are a part of this wonderful community.

    Happy D-Blog Day!

  3. Happy D-blog day!

    Here's to not celebrating it next year!

  4. I agree with Sandra - you are definitely the guy who whittles the technical bits down to more manageable sizes. Thank you for everything you do for PWDs.

    Happy D-Blog Day, Scott! :)

  5. Happy D-Blog Day (a little late) Scott! I am proud to be apart of this community because of people like you (even if I kind of hate the reason).

  6. Ditto what Sandra and Kerri say Scott! You have a real gift for taking the often confusing political and business bits and making them easier to understand.

    I'm looking forward to the day when I can hang out and visit with you in real life!

    Happy D-Blog day!


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