Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy D-Anniversary to Me

You may recall that back in May, I shared my experience with what passed as children's diabetes literature circa 1976, the year I was diagnosed (BTW, my 33rd anniversary is Friday, July 24), and I'll be headed back from the Diabetes Social Media Summit hosted by Roche, a perfect way to mark the occasion!

Anyway, considering Mr. Hypo(dermic) was supposed to be my new "friend", I felt like commenting on that ... with a comic which about summarizes how I felt as a 7-year old kid when the nurse at the hospital handed that booklet sponsored by Bayer (then known as Miles Laboratories):

Cheers to anniversaries and social media, but let's face facts, diabetes sucks, no matter how you try to "spin" it. Any 7-year old kid can tell you that!


  1. I agree my friend, diabetes sucks and yes "T" would be a way better friend.

    He has a longer shelf life anyway.

    Here's to another 33 and 33 on top of that!

  2. Happy D-versary, Scott. See you in IN!

  3. Happy Di-aversary friend! We will celebrate tonight in IN with cake and hugs!!!
    Kelly K

  4. Gee, I wonder why Roche didn't invite me to the "Diabetes Social Media Summit".

    Do ask.

  5. Jenny, LOL! Surely your invitation just got lost in the mail?

  6. Happy (belated) Diabetes anniversary.

    Each year we make it is another year to celebrate. Here's to many more!

    And I loved the "ask any seven year old" line. Awesome. Major suckage indeed.


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