Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Podcast Episode Recommendation: The Huddle Conversations with the ADCES Diabetes Care Team

First of all, I need to acknowledge that ADCES is a trade organization for the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, which is the most recent name for one of the associations for diabetes educators. Frankly, I am only recommending this particular podcast episode, but honestly, I cannot really recommend a subscription to its podcast; in fact, I don't even remember what the organization's old name was because it seems to have changed its name so many times over the years. 


Beyond that, ADCES tends to focus far more extensively on subjects related to Type 2 diabetes since that group constitutes the bulk of the patients with whom they work. But, if I'm being honest, that's not my area of particular interest, so why would I spend a lot of time listening to stuff about a topic I don't feel passionate about?

However, as noted, I DO recommend this particular podcast episode, specifically the one entitled "Affordable Insulin: A Breakthrough on the Horizon" (Episode 96, Interview with Aaron Kowalski, CEO of the JDRF on the Civica Insulin Announcement) which was released on April 5, 2022.

The episode website is at and the podcast can be listened to below.

The primary reason I'm recommending this episode is because it includes some questions for Aaron Kowalski about the Civica biosimilar insulin announcement which other interviewers did not ask.

Still, my impression of ADCES is one of a professional organization whose primary objective is to lobby for higher reimbursement rates from payers for CDE's services. Frankly, that overwhelming focus tends to offset whatever positive work the organization does. Lobby for higher pay without dragging everyone else into it is my perspective.

Frankly, that push for higher reimbursements is REALLY annoying to me, and it reflects the choice to title of this particular podcast by reiterating how CDE's should be viewed as part of a healthcare "team". But as someone who has lived with autoimmune Type 1 diabetes for nearly a half-century, truthfully, I don't really consider a CDE as a core part of my diabetes care "team". I seldom consult with a CDE unless I have a very specific need, such as training on a specific new piece of diabetes technology, but I certainly don't run to them with many questions. And, my interactions have been reaching out, and receiving a cursory email response I could have found by Google'ing the question for myself (so not terribly positive). I call them as I see them based on personal experience. 

That said, do listen to this particular episode. As I said, they interview JDRF's Aaron Kowalski about the Civica biosimilar insulin announcement, and they ask him some questions other interviewers did not, so its worth 25 minutes of your time.

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