Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Two More Podcast Episode Recommendations

Today, I'm recommending TWO seperate podcast episodes which you might find informative.

They come from Dr. Zubin Damania, MD who's an internist who describes himself as a UCSF/Stanford-trained physician and he calls his weekly podcast as ZDoggMD. The other one is an interview with Dr. Marion Mass, MD who is a Pediatrician working in Chalfont, PA whom I've come to respect for her efforts to expose systematic wrongdoing in the business of healthcare.

I'll start with ZDoggMD's recent podcast episode. I'm posting the YouTube version of his February 14, 2022 podcast entitled "The Ugly Truth Behind Soaring Drug Prices (And How To Fix Them) w/Dr. Alex Oshmyansky". Dr. Oshmyansky is the CEO of Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company, and I've shared some prior podcast recommendations in which he was interviewed.

Recall that I've been covering certain aspects of the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company in which Alex Oshmyansky is a part, perhaps most prominently in my coverage of the startup HERE.

The episode of ZDoggMD's is called "The Ugly Truth Behind Soaring Drug Prices (And How To Fix Them) w/Dr. Alex Oshmyansky" can be found at or the YouTube version of the podcast can be watched/listened to below. It is also found under the title ZDoggMD wherever you get your podcasts.

Next up was the podcast called "Rx for Success Podcast with Dr. Randy Cook", and specifically the episode #141 entitled "The Racket: How Our Healthcare System is Cheating Us" which interviews Dr. Marion Mass, MD whom I've come to love because she's a Pediatrician with a way of explaining things so anyone can understand the diagnosis. I love her quote:

"You can't fix the price of insulin or most drugs without reform of these Pharmacy Benefit managers."

Catch that episode at, or below.

With that, I'll end today's blog post. Happy listening!

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