Saturday, October 29, 2022

Podcast Episode Recommendation: TWiST Solving Prescription Drug Pricing in the U.S. with Cost Plus Drugs and Capital Rx CEOs

So next up on my recommendation for informative podcast episodes is an episode of the podcast called "This Week in Startups" (TWiST) With Jason Calacanis & Molly Wood, spoecifically an episode which interviews Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company CEO and Founder Alex Oshmyansky AND the CEO of another startup aiming to disrupt the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) industry, Capital Rx CEO AJ Loiacono. Incidentally, the PBM startup offers a coupon-generating website and app of its own called CapitalRx Advantage Savings (or CRxAdvantage) which is one worth saving on your smartphone.

During the interview with Alex Oshmyansky, he revealed that he is actually a person with Type 1 diabetes himself which many people might not have realized. Insulin is on the company's radar, although it may be looking at multiple-sources for those products (including biosimilars when they're approved), so while there's no commitment, it seems clear the company is looking at the huge PBM and drug wholesaler markups and sees opportunity.

While I don't necessarily recommend a subscription to this podcast itself unless you're interested in learning about startup businesses, this episode in particular is one worth listening to.

The website for the This Week in Startups (TWiST) With Jason Calacanis & Molly Wood" podcast itself can be found at

The podcast itself can be found wherever you listen to podcasts, and the episode itself is titled "This Week in Startups With Jason Calacanis & Molly Wood Podcast: Solving Prescription Drug Pricing in the U.S. with Cost Plus Drugs and Capital Rx CEOs" and the episode itself can be found at

However, I find that embedding their episodes easiest from their YouTube channel (you can also subscribe there, if interested), so listen and watch the episode below.

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