Thursday, October 27, 2022

Recommended Podcast: NPR's the "An Arm and a Leg" Show

With most of my recent podcast shares, I was pretty specific to note that I was recommending a particular podcast episode, but stopped short of recommending you subscribe to the entire podcast.

However, there are at least are a few podcasts which I actually recommend you subscribe to: one specifically is today's recommendation: a podcast known as the "Arm and a Leg" show, which was started by an enterprising NPR reporter from an NPR station in Chicago by the name of Dan Weissman, who is also the podcast's creator & host, although his podcast is now produced with support from NPR, Kaiser Health News and others who believe in it and has a team of like-minded producers. 



The Arm and a Leg show podcast's origins began from the perspective was from that of actual patients, rather than industry spokespeople, doctors on the fringes of navigating the what some doctors (such as Marion Mass, see the preceding podcast recommendation HERE) who have openly described the U.S. healthcare system as "predatory"  see a report she co-authored at Part of the reason I am recommending you subscribe to "An Arm and a Leg" is the way it describes itself:

"An Arm And a Leg is a show about the cost of health care that's more entertaining, empowering, and occasionally useful than enraging, and terrifying and depressing. We may be screwed, but we're together.

Let's talk."

Without a long diatribe about why I recommend this podcast, why don't you listen to several episodes for yourself? Below is a sampling. More can be found in the podcast itself.

Season 2, Episode 4: "Why are drug prices so random? Meet Mr. PBM"

Season 2, Episode 5: "The surprising history behind insulin’s absurd price (and some hopeful signs in the wild)"  

Season 4, Episode Originally Released March 10, 2022: "Filling a prescription means swimming with the sharks"

Season 4, Episode 13: "A 21st-century Christmas Carol: How one Scrooge became a health-care whistleblower" in an interview with Wendell Potter, visit 

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